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Discussion Groups
The Tuesday Night group is now meeting on Wednesday nights from 645pm.
Meeting at the Green home,
1 Celtic Court Strathalbyn.

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Discussion Groups

Fridays: Soup@Noon, 17 Harriet Street starting on Friday February 7th, 

For more info, please ring 0403 270 506

Adult Fellowship

Wednesday March 12th at 130pm - Shared Memories with Fay Galway.

Meeting in the John Wesley Room / Church Hall.

Uniting BBQs

Please keep an eye on this event for our next Uniting BBQ.


Shed Happens
for more information.... 0429936598


Know Your Bible

The Know Your Bible (KYB) group is based on an interdenominational program to systematically learn the Bible and God's message for your life.

Meeting fortnightly in the St Andrews Hall (opposite the Church) or in a private home.

Wednesday TBA @ 10am.

Ring 0403 270 506 for information.

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Walk & talk

Shed Happens...

A great way to exercise, make friends and enjoy God's marvelous creation.

Open to all ages, this group meets on a semi-regular basis to walk within Strathalbyn or surrounds, learning about the history, the beautiful gardens and historic buildings...

and, about each other.

Mobility problems?

We'll think of a way to help you join this group.


0403 270 506 to either find out about the next planned walk, suggest a walk or even host a walk.

  • Our Vision is to be a community of faith that reaches out with light and in love with the heart of Christ, that thinks with the mind of Christ and serves with the hand of Christ.


10 Alfred Place

Strathalbyn SA 5255

for more information, please view our contacts page...

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